The Texas A&M
AgriLife Extension Service will conduct a workshop to train farmers and
ranchers to use their iPhones and iPads to help make decisions to increase
their profit margins. The workshop will
be Tuesday, October 23, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Texas A&M Agrilife Research &
Extension Center at 10345 State Hwy. 44, just west of the Corpus Christi
Airport. Space is limited and
preregistration is required by October 19, 2012 by calling 361-767-5223. The registration fee is $25 per person and
does include lunch. Participants will be
eligible for an iPad which will be given away at the conclusion of the
In this workshop, participants will learn to use their iPhones and
iPads to make quick decisions in the field, on the tractor or in the
pickup. The team will train producers to
utilize these apps to more effectively manage risks in their business and
improve the profitability of their business. They will learn to access market
data to help them evaluate relevant pricing strategies. Moreover they will
improve their knowledge of costs and break-even using the Cost of Production
app the Extension team has developed.
Participants will be introduced to a wide range of other apps related
to marketing, budgeting, irrigation decisions, various time-saving calculators
and other tools. Each workshop participant will have access to iPads with apps
already installed. The participants will enter data and learn to utilize
various apps that can help them make decisions related to profitability and
improve their price and production risk management skills.
For more information
contact the Nueces County Extension Office at 361-767-5223.
This workshop is being sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife
Extension Service.
Individuals with
disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service, or accommodation in order
to participate in any Extension event are encouraged to contact their County
Extension Office at 361-767-5223 at least one week in advance of the program in
order for proper arrangements to be made.
Educational programs of the Texas
A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to
race, color, sex. disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas
A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County
Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.